-DeHaat is an online platform that connects small farmers with a network of micro-entrepreneurs.
-These micro-entrepreneurs supply various farm inputs and equipment, procure seeds and fertilisers, as well as offer crop advisory and market linkages to the farmers on the platform.
- DeHaat provides access to over 3,000 agricultural inputs
— combined with AI-based customised crop advisory content for pest and disease management.
FlyBird Farm Innovations has developed an affordable and innovative product smart Irrigation controller – Siri(an automatic precise irrigation and fertigation system).
-It can be programmed to regulate water and fertilizer soil moisture/temperature/humidity sensors.
-It will prevent the under & over-irrigation and fertigation to crops/plants and improve crop production.
Satyukt Analytics
Agriculture Precision Irrigation(using infrared remote sensing): Spatial variability in crop production is observed because of the spatio-temporal variation of soil structure and properties. As water remains one of the limiting factors in Indian agriculture, calculating the irrigation requirement of the soil types spatio-temporally would be advantageous.