Organic Farming is also known by names like Natural farming and Chemical-free farming. Organic farming is the method of farming, in which long-term stable production is achieved without polluting the groundwater and air while maintaining a clean natural balance of the environment. Organic farming is based on zero use chemical fertilizer. Farmers use organic manures and organic insecticides for the production of crops. It also includes animal husbandry, dairy farms, and poultry. The demand of organic products is high on the big cities. Now the peoples have become very conscious about their health.
· To produce high-quality food grains in sufficient quantity.
· Maintaining and increasing the long-term fertility of the soil.
· Don’t allow any kind of pollution by agricultural produce.
· Working with, rather than against nature.
· Encourage and enhance the biological cycle of microorganisms, plants and animals in agriculture.
· To maintain genetic agricultural diversity in and around the farming system.
· Ensure the person engaged in agriculture, work in a safe environment.
Benefits of Organic Farming:
· Organic farming is a eco friendly and healthy for peoples.
· The use of organic manures provides the ability to produce high productivity and good quality crops.
· Provides all the essential nutrients required for the plants.
· Improve plant growth and plant functional activities.
· Organic farming is economically feasible for farmers. Chemical fertilizers are high in price.
· The risk of pollution is very low and they have no residual effect.
· Less energy is required for organic farming.
· Less use of machines and the risk of crop failure are also very low.
· Natural resources also have optimum utilization.
· High prices of products, produced by organic farming.