Definition: As the name Catch suggest “to hold something”. Catch crops are those crops which are cultivated to catch the forthcoming season, when the main crop is failed. When the main crop destroys/fails due to unfavorable conditions (viz. natural calamities, insect pest attack , wild animal attack etc. ), in these cases the main crop is replaced by short duration crops. These short duration crops are called Catch Crops. These crops help in more efficient use of growing space, soil fertility enhancement and nutrient reclamation.
Characteristics of catch crops
● These crops are short duration crops.
● Catch crops are fast growing crops. They require very less time for maturity.
● These crops are fast bulking and harvestable.
● These crops are usable at any time.
Some major Catch crops:
Spinach: The Botanical name of Spinach is Spinacia olerace. Spinach and all other leafy vegetables are short duration crops. These leafy vegetables are ready in 6 to 8 weeks. These crops can be shown round the year. All leafy vegetables are best catch crop.
Important varieties: Pusa jyoti, Pusa Bharti, Pura Harit, All green and Jobner green.
Radish: The Botanical name of Radish is Raphanus sativus. Radish matures from seed in 25 to 30 days. Radish can be grown between rows of the most vegetables. It is called Inter cropping. Radish can be planted between the spring harvest and fall planting(failure) of some crops.
Important varieties: Pusa Rashmi, Pusa chetki, CO1, Pusa Desi and Arka Nishant.
Coriander: The Botanical name of Coriander is Corriandrum sativum. Coriander is an annual herb plant used as a spice in the kitchen. It is mostly used for its fruit and green leaves to provide flavor in dishes. When grown for its leaves only, it is harvested in 30 days. It can be taken as a short duration crop between two main crops. It generates extra income for farmer.
Important varieties: Punjab Sugandh, GC1, GC2, CO1 and CO2
Carrot: The Botanical name of carrot is Daucus carota. Carrot is a major vegetable of India. It is a great source of Vitamin A. Depending on the variety , carrot are ready for harvesting 90 to 100 days after showing. It is a short duration crop.
Important variety: Pusa Kesar, Pusa Megali, PC 34
Beetroot: The Botanical name of the Beetroot is Beta vulgaris. Beetroot is also known as “garden beet”. It is sweet in taste and having lot of antioxidant properties. It is a short duration crop which can be harvested in 50 to 60 days. It has lot of medicinal values. It is used as a cure in Heart and Cancer diseases.
Important varieties: Bulls Blood ( 58 days) , Detroit Dark Red ( 60 days) , Sangia ( 55 days), Sweetheart( 58 days)