Derived from the Latin word Apiarium (from Apis meaning bee), apiary refers to the enclosure of bees in a large area facilitating procurement of honey and wax. All this is done to procure certain advantages for life and the living, going to address further in the article.
Beehive vs apiary
A beehive is a place or structure, either natural or man-made, where the bees are reared, and when many beehives unites it forms an apiary.
Classification of bees
They are classified into three groups One of the Queen bees who lay eggs. Second of worker bees who are involved in collecting nectar. A third of drone or male bees help in fertilization.
The optimum size of beehive
It requires at least five feet of space in every direction. If you plan to have multiple beehives then they should be about three feet apart.
Beehive in my backyard
The area requires consideration of five factors:
Neighbors-it requires bee-friendly neighbors. In case you are devoid of these neighbors then go for going fencing and ensure to keep your plan far from their property. Local legal norms -Some states allow complete bee culture while others allow it partially or in folds, some even restrict it. Clean area -Ensure keeping clean and flat area. The area which you could easily operate and move around while working. In case of ants posing problems try standing your hive on legs. Acreage -In case you have small areas try keeping your building high enough for supporting their flight at heights or locate your hives above the roof. It will serve your purpose with minimum stinging incidents.
Buy my bees
You can buy the bees from package bees or nucleus hive.
To order a package of bees, contact a local beekeeper supply or local association.
You can order the bees according to your suitability from
Advantages of apiculture
Apiculture is the practice of rearing bees.
It is done to Obtain honey which holds special medical significance and is an antioxidant.
Provide wax which has significance in almost all industries, polishing wood, making candles, etc.
Ensure pollination being it considered the best pollinating agent. Provides protein which is believed to even prevent a very troublesome problem of AIDS.
Helps in raising economy.
Offers a wonderful subject to study both theoretically and practically.
Accounts for as much as 30% of the total world’s food production with at least 90% of wild plants relying on it for pollination. Promotes interaction with nature and its cycles.
Common species of honey bees
“Apis” bees are the ones providing honey-like Apis dorsata which provides about 40 kg of honey per colony, Apis florea providing about 1 kg honey per colony, Apis indica providing 2 to 5 kg honey per colony. The best honey bee variety in India is Apis dorsata or the rock bee producing the highest density of honey.
Beeswax is the major wax produced by honeybees. With the increasing ages of bees their capacity to produce wax reduces. The wax is produced by worker bees from their eight wax-producing glands. For the bees to produce wax it requires a temperature of 33 to 36 °C. Bumblebees are non-aggressive bees. Carpenter bees ensure pollination.
Apiaries are generally situated on higher grounds.
Try finding locations where important resources required like nectar, water, Sun, etc. are present in the level required.
Ensure findings places where transportation is available.
Try keeping it away from the range of phobic people area.
Try keeping the required number of worker bees to prevent colony collapse disorder that occurs due to the presence of less number of worker bees to look after immature bees.
How to raise honeybees in your backyard?
Locate hive in a place where there is Sun, shed, water, less sound, and disturbance.
Level the ground. At starting dissolve equal parts of granulated sugar and water and use them to feed bees. Later you won’t need them since they will learn to suck nectar.
Go for good observation. Ensure your hive is free of bee poop, pests, and ants. For checking the health of Queen bees looks at the hive you will find plenty of larvae at various stages.
Expand the hive whenever necessary.