• Subsidy
A biogas plant is a system where you can convert waste into useful fertilizers and sustainable energy in the absence of oxygen where anaerobic digestion can occur. Biogas is mainly a mixture of two gases, namely methane and carbon dioxide. These gases can be used in the production of electricity and heat. Biogas is converted into biomethane, which can be used as fuel for vehicles. Wastes include agricultural manure and energy crops, wastewater treatment, factory wastewater, slaughterhouse waste, municipal solid waste fractions, food industry by-products, fatty waste, liquid livestock manure, and fish processing waste.
Advantages of Biogas plant
•Biogas is a very environmentally friendly product due to its positive impact and also helps to reduce global warming.
•Biogas is converted into biomethane which can be used as fuel for vehicles as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80-85 %.
•Biogas production is part of waste management because it breaks down organic waste.
•Biogas residue after fermentation can be used as fertilizer in the field.
•It is a means of replacing electricity and cooking in rural areas because these areas have limited electricity.
•It is a low-cost technology because it is easy to set up and requires a small investment. A small biogas plant can also be used at home with kitchen work.
The subsidy rate applicable to the establishment of a power generation and heat application project based on a biogas facility is offered in three-floor sizes of this plant and the capacity of the corresponding power generation ranges from Rs. 25,000/-
If there is an average Household in India there are 500 households and each house generates half a kilo of waste per day, the cost of building a biogas plant will be in around Rs 25 lakh.
A biogas plant has three main components: a receiving area, methane or fermenter tank, and a biogas accumulator or tank.
The receiving area is the area where waste is delivered and prepared for microbiological digestion. Various biomass materials are used here, which are then converted into useful biogas.
Fermentation tanks are used to convert waste into energy by combustion or oxidation with oxygen.
Biogas tanks are used to accumulate gas generated in closed tanks. An outlet pipe is also attached to it, allowing the gas to be used as heat or electricity.
DIY Method
•Choose a properly sized container that can be used as a digester.
•Make appropriate holes for the inlet and outlet in the tank.
•Fix the pipes with a waterproof adhesive, through which the generated biogas can be transferred to the storage tank.
•Next, the gas accumulator is made. For this, a barrel can be taken for painting. This tank is fixed by a valve used for plumbing purposes.
•Now is the time to mix cow manure as an additive sludge to generate gas.
•Construction of this mini biogas plant for the first time took at least 10-15 days. You can detect the amount of gas produced.
•You can detect the amount of gas generated as the gas tank increases.
Favourable conditions
Environmental conditions and other important aspects needs to be favorable such as
Like no too cold or too dry area.
Availability of more than 20kg/ day dung
Reasonable cost
Low income or unstable economic situation of the target group
Gas appliances not available regionally or nationally
Low qualification of artisans
Dairy farming is the main source of income
Political will of the government to support the plan.
We aim to minimize our cost and maximize our yield -
Plastic bottles (would be INR 30)
Empty water tank (approx. INR 700)
Tap(INR 300)
PVC Pipes (INR 1000)
Plastic buckets (INR 200)
Two way and three way sockets (INR 100)
Sticky tape (INR 200)
Hot glue stick (INR 450)
Valve (INR 50)
M seal (INR 15)
Plastic pipe (INR 300)
Clamp (INR 150)
Total cost constitutes ; INR 3,500 with owing ur own land
With land costs : INR 8,500
It’s a great source of income by products like :
1. Biogas
2. Organic manure
3. Affluents
How does it work?
Input waste like food, fat, etc. incorporated into the biogas plant as a substrate.
•Renewable materials such as corn, sugar beet, or grass feed animals such as cows, pigs, and microorganisms in the biogas plant.
•Manure, cow manure, and other wastes are also put into the biogas digester.
•The fermenter used to heat the substrate up to 56°C is made of stainless steel which makes the biogas construction work at thermophilic temperatures. Here, the substrate at 38-40 °C is decomposed by microorganisms during combustion or oxidized with oxygen. Then the product formed is biogas with methane gas. Small amounts of hydrogen sulfate are also present.
•After fermentation, the gas produced is transported to the storage tank, and from there it is put to further use. This residue is a high-quality fertilizer.
•Biogas is burned in a combined thermal power plant to produce electricity and heat.
•The resulting heat can be used to heat the hay and harvest the produce.
•The generated gas is transferred to the gas filling station.
The biogas plant is especially beneficial for rural people in the village, whose electricity supply is limited so by this method they can use it as an alternative. This helps with waste management when waste is used. It is cheaper because kitchen waste can be used as an alternative to cow manure or other waste.