With the growing population, it has become very necessary to keep up food supply for all efficiently under a continuous increase in the cost of agricultural inputs. Want a less expensive economical farming option without compromising with the benefits? So here they are Edible mushrooms, yes those umbrella-like structures you might have seen in Mandis & stalls.
These small structures contain a bunch of benefits and grow into human-needed edible stuff. So why not try some easy ways like growing edible mushrooms to move forward that can be grown even on your rooftop, balcony, and pots. #mushroom cultivation #mushroom farming #mushroom production #mushroom agriculture #a mushroom that feeds you forever #mushroom business #mushroom english name #mushroom examples #mushroom farming in India #mushroom definition #mushroom is
#mushroom are ##मशरूम इन इंग्लिश
Edible Mushrooms
Button Mushroom
Compost preparation
Long method preparation (procedure)
Short method preparation (procedure)
Steps for preparing spawn
Current status of mushroom farming in India
Future prospects of mushroom farming in India
Edible Mushrooms
Edible Mushrooms are small fleshy bodies(multicellular fungi) that can grow on hardwood and agricultural wastes like straw, sawdust, etc. This way the waste materials can be too utilized. These contain the capability to convert complex carbs into simpler ones besides being rich in potassium calcium, selenium, protein, cholesterol-free, and fat-free. These nutrients make it a healthy choice for everyone & make a highly urban demanded vegetable. So here we are to talk about the most eaten mushrooms that are Button Mushrooms.
Button mushrooms
Scientifically known as Agaricus bisporus. This requires a 20-28° C temperature for vegetative growth and 12-18° C for reproductive Growth. Generally, these are non-seasonal but the winter season is more preferred. Also, it is the most widely grown mushroom in India. Now have a look at how to prepare for its cultivation.
#Buttonmushroomsonline #Buttonmushroomsbenefits #Buttonmushroomsgrowing #Buttonmushroomathome #Buttonmushroomagriculture #Buttonmushroombenefitsinhindi
Compost Preparation :
This relies on two methods -The short method and the Long method.
1. Long Method Composting
If you want economical benefit with the least machine usage then the Long method is the one you should opt for. Following are the ingredients used in the long method of composting:
How to prepare the mixture?
The wheat or paddy straw is spread on a concrete floor after spraying formaldehyde on the floor. Water is sprinkled about 2-3 times a day to absorb moisture about 75% for 48 hours, i.e.2 days. Well, now is the time to mix fertilizers. About 12 -16 hrs before stacking the wheat or paddy straw the fertilizers, molasses should be properly mixed. For good compost, the C: N must be 17:1. In the case of a long pile, the perforated pipes are vertically placed for the proper aeration.
It’s the time for turnings that are necessary for keeping and managing heat.
With the consecutive days, the stack becomes browner and there is no smell of ammonia left in it. The major is - squeeze it by hands, only the small fragments should bind to the hands.
Short Method Composting
This method is. Similar to the long method of composting but it occurs in 2 phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2.
· Phase 1 includes all the things from pre-wetting, heap making to turnings. The temperature of the central portion of the heap often reaches 65℃ to 70℃.
· Phase 2 includes the controlled environmental conditions for the growth of mushroom mycelium through Pasteurization. The 6th turning is followed by covering the heap with a double layer of black plastic terpene and placing the perforated pipes inside the heap for proper aeration and growth of mycelium. Lastly for the 7th turning the plastic is removed and gypsum is mixed. Thus the compost is filled in containers.
Compost is ready for spawning
· Spawn is the seed for growing mushrooms which are the grains covered with mycelium. The carrier i.e. Cereal grains is necessary as the mycelium cannot propagate on its own.
· Majorly the wheat grains are preferred for the spawning Or spawn substrate Jowar (sorghum), Bajra(Pearl millet).
Steps for preparing spawn:
· Clean, wash the wheat or any grain taken by you.
· Cook the grain for 30 minutes.
· Drain the excess water, dry them and mix 20g of pharmaceutical CaCO3 with per kg of the cooked cereal grain.
· Fill 300 g in an empty bottle and 200 g in polypropylene bags
· Then autoclave at 15lbs/sq. Inch for 1.5- 2 hr.
· Inoculate the bottle with growing mycelium, Inoculate 10 g of mother spawn to each bag.
· Inoculate at 23-25℃ for 12-15 days.
· Mother spawn is ready over the cereals as white mycelium.
· At room temperature, the Spawn can be stored upto30 days.
After this process, the compost is either filled in polythene bags or in plastic trays which are covered with sheets or polythene. It takes about 2 weeks for the fungal threads arising from the spawn to colonize the whole compost. Proper moisture and a higher CO2 concentration should be maintained.
The casing is the method of covering the surface about 3-4cm thick with soil to induce fruiting. Materials used are garden loam soil and sand in ratio 4:1, decomposed cow dung and loam soil 1:1, rice husk, lime, and sand are used. Treatment 10 days before the material is done which includes Pasteurisation at 65℃- 68℃ for 7-8 hours. After casing, the temperature and moisture need to be maintained. 500 ml of formalin is diluted with 10 liters of water and used for one cubic meter of casing soil. Following the soil is sprayed over a plastic sheet, sprayed with formalin, converted into a heap, and then again covered with a plastic sheet. The soil is then stirred and turned for checking the formalin fumes. The casing soil is now ready for use as it is free from the smell of formalin.
When the mycelium reaches the surface of casing soil, we need to make changes for the growth of mushrooms like reducing the air temperature to 16-18 ℃ and CO2 to 1000 ppm. Humidity should also be maintained up to 70-80%. The fruit body is visible after 3 weeks of Casing in the form of pinheads. It takes 7 to 8 days to reach the button mushroom stage from the first appearance of pinheads. careful while picking the mushrooms, pick them gently and wisely by twisting them clockwise and anti-clockwise. Do remember to fill the holes made with sterilized soil again.
Now the Mushrooms are ready for sale.
{Note: To Know Cultivation procedure of other mushroom types, keep in touch with shuruwaatagri.com/blog}
Current Status of mushroom farming in India
At present, the total mushroom production in India is about 0.18 million tons.
From 2010 -2017 the mushroom industry in India has registered a mean rate of growth of 4.3% per annum. (Sharma, Annepu, Gautam, Singh, & Kamal, 2017)
Following are the shares of different types of mushrooms in the total production:
Button Mushroom share -73%
Oyster Mushroom share-16%
Paddy straw Mushroom – 7%
Milky Mushroom -3%
There has been technological advancement in Spawn Production as many laboratories with well-equipped equipment are being set.
Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have been the major growers of mushrooms.
Future prospects of mushroom farming in India
Presently Mushrooms have occupied many positions in the market. Seeing the future it can be grown into a major alternative crop due to many advantages. It is a better way to use the agricultural wastes, high nutritional value, and many more.
The cost of Button Mushrooms per kg in the market is ₹120. So on a large scale, it can bring huge profits.
Some problems on the way need transportation charges, Lack of Marketing facilities, etc. Once these are resolved it will be much easier for the growers
Many Medical Research institutions like Amala Cancer Research Institute performing on anti-cancer properties of mushrooms, National Institute of Nutrition under ICMR, etc are often collaborators for effective impact. (Pandey & Kumaran)
All together the possibilities of growing Mushrooms in India are huge and if you are thinking to start, so why wait, start now!