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Production technology of Brinjal and Chili Crops

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

Table of Contents

· Crop Introduction

· Soil Requirement

· Climate Requirement

· Time of Showing and Showing Method

· Manures and Fertilizers

· Intercultural operations

· Major insect pest and their management

· Average Yield


Scientific name: Solanum Melongena

Brinjal is also known as Eggplant and Aubergine. It is one of the important vegetable of tropical countries particularly India Bangladesh, Pakistan, China Japan etc. Brinjal is a native plant native of India.

Brinjal is used as fried stuffed with spices and or onions and then fried roasted and Math in curry and sambhar. It is commonly used as cooked vegetable.

Climatic requirement: Brinjal is a warm season crop. It grows best as 25 to 30 degree Celsius and below 15 degree Celsius its growth is adversely affected . The optimum temperature for seed germination is 25 degree Celsius while germinate at 15 to 30 degree Celsius. Transplanting is best when the temperature is around 20 degree Celsius.

Soil: Brinjal can be grown wide range of soil. It thrives best on silt loam or clay loam soil. It can tolerate slightly acidic soil ranging between 5.5 to 6.8.

Sowing method: Seeds are shown in nursery beds.

Seed rate: For normal varieties about 350 to 500 gram seeds are required for planting 1 hectare but for hybrid varieties less seed rate about 250 gram per hectare required.

Sowing time: In the plains sowing is done May June, October November and January February. The crop is grown around the year in mild climate of Karnataka and other areas. In the Hills seeds are sown in in March April

Transplanting: about 25 to 30 days old seedlings are transplanted in a well prepared field bed. Generally the plants are grown on flat bad. Sometime planting is done on ridges or raised beds in high rainfall areas.

Spacing: Generally spacing depends upon the variety specially it's plant habits like erect and tall spreading and medium tall. In general, the row to row distance should be 75 to 90 cm and plant to plant distance should be 45 to 60 cm.

Manure and fertilizers: Application of manure and fertilizer mainly depends on the soil type, soil fertility and climate. In general about 25 tons of farmyard manure are incorporated in the soil at the time of field preparation, besides it 100 kg Nitrogen, 50kg Phosphorus and 50 kg Potassium per hectare is generally recommended for brinjal crop. For hybrid varieties the fertilizer requirement is much higher 200 kg nitrogen, 100 kg Phosphorus and 100 kg potassium is recommended. The whole amount of Nitrogen should be applied into three split doses. first half dose should be applied at the time of transplanting and other half dose should be applied into two split doses at the interval of 25 to 30 days after transplanting.

Irrigation: The water should be applied in the interval of 4 to 6 days is summer and 10 to 14 days in cool season. The frequent and heavy irrigation should be avoided.

Harvesting: The fruits are ready for harvesting when fully developed but remain tender bright and glossary in nature without any trading or change in fruit color. Generally fruits contain marketable stage for harvesting after 50 to 60 days.

Yield: The average yield of brinjal is 25 to 30 tons per hectare for open pollinated varieties but for hybrid varieties it is much higher 40 to 60 tons per hectare.

Major diseases:

1. Damping off: It is one of the fungal disease of brinjal.


Pre and post emergence damping off causes rotting, falling over and mortality of seedlings in nursery beds.


· Well drained and raised nursery beds are used

so the seeds is partly to prevent overcrowding of seedling

· Avoid overwatering

· Seed treatment with Captan, Thiram and Bavistin

(carbendazim) 3 gram per kg of seeds before sowing

· Solarization of soil in nursery beds in warm / hot weather by covering them with plastic sheat for two weeks before sowing of seeds

· Drench the nursery bed with Mancozeb 0.25% and Carbendazim 0.05% when damping off appears

2. Phomopsis blight


· All above ground parts are affected.

· Dark brown lesions with grey centre on the stem.

· Leaves have round for oval brown spots with grey centre

· Pale Shunken , small to large water shoaked spots on the fruit which turns back letters.

Control measures

· Destruction of infected plant debris

· Use seeds from disease free plant

· Seed treatment with thiram 2.5 gram per kg seed or Bavistin 0.1%

· long crop rotation

· use used resistant Variety

· Spray with Dithane Z 78 ( 0.2%), Blitox ( 0.2%) , Difolatan (0.2%)

Major pest:

1.Brinjal fruit and shoot borer:

Management practices

· use of resistant varieties like Annamalai , PBR -129- s, Punjab Chamkila green varieties

· Transplant upto 4th week of June

· Remove the affected fruits and destroy them

· Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop

· Install Pheromone trap at the rate 15 / hac

· avoid use of synthetic pyrethroids

· avoid using insecticide at time of root mask maturation

· Use Neem seed kernel extract 5%

· Spring Quinalphos 25% EC( 1.5 ml per liter)

trichlorofon 50% EC 1.0 ml per liter

2. Brinjal stem borer:

Management practices

· If possible a fruit and burn the affected plant

· Follow the control measures as per suit and food borders.

Yield: Depending on variety and season the average yield of brinjal varies from 20 to 30 t/ ha.


Chili is commonly used as green fruits dry red fruits powder and for because both green and red fruits. Green and red fruit are used in cooked vegetable and meat curries for sambhar and red chili powder as spice.’

Climatic requirement: The optimum temperature Chili cultivation is 20 to 30 degree Celsius. It is susceptible to Frost

Soil: A well drained loam and sandy loam soil having plenty of organic matter is considered best for chilies cultivation. The pH range should be 6.5 to 7.5

Seed rate: About 1 to 1.5 kg seeds for open pollinated varieties and 200 to 250 gram seeds for hybrid varieties are required for 1 hectare of chili cultivation.

Seed sowing and transplanting

The crop is raised from Seedlings. Seeds are sown in nursery beds for raising Seedling.

Chilies can be grown in South India and Maharashtra almost throughout the year.

The main season of seed sowing in Kharif is June July, in Ravi September-October and summer January February, in the Hills of North India chilies are transplanted in March April.

Normally the Seedlings are ready for transplanting in 3 to 4 weeks

Spacing: Spacing depends on plant habit.

For dwarf and medium varieties 30 -45 x 45 - 60 CM

For hybrid and tall varieties 60 x 75 cm

Manure and fertilizers:

About 20 to 25 ton farmyard manure is applied at the time of field preparation. The fertilizer application varies with the soil type , fertility, climatic condition and variety. For normal variety 120 kg nitrogen 60 kg Phosphorus and 30 kg photos recommended but for hybrid varieties 120 kg nitrogen 50 kg Phosphorus and 80 kg potassium per hectare is required.

The nitrogen is supplied as a basal dose (30 kg nitrogen) at the time of transplanting as letter as top dressing at three times at 30 ,60, 90 days after transplanting. The whole about of phosphorus and potassium is applied at the time of transplanting

Irrigation: The first irrigation applies just after transplanting. During summer the irrigation should be applied at the four or five day’s interval. The soil should have the moisture when plants in flowering and fruit set. At high temperature and low soil moisture or drought condition the flowers and fruits drop and adversely affect the yield.

Intercultural operation: Frequent weeding and intercultural are practiced. The soil is slightly hoed after every irrigation when the soil becomes a little dry for workable

Yield: For normal varieties 7 to 10 hectare but for the hybrid varieties it is slightly higher 15 tons per hectare,


1. Anthracnose /Dieback and fruit rot

Symptoms: This disease occurs in both chilly and sweet paper. Necrosis occurs of the tender twigs from the tip to downwards. The entire branch or top withers away. The twigs are water shocked to brown becoming straw colored with a number of black dots in advance stage of infection.

The fruit at maturity stage both green or red have circular to epical sunken spots with black margin having co – centric rings. The affected ripe fruits becomes straw colored from normal red with several black spot.


· Destruction of disease plant debries.

· Treatment with thiram and captains 1:1. Thiram 2 gram per kg of seed or Bavistin 0.5%

· The hybrid varieties Vardan is tolerant to anthracnose and No5 , No 6 , No 9 and No 1 tolerant to dieback

2. Chili leaf curl: It is a viral disease in Chili.


Curling of leaves, small pale yellow leaves and shortened internodes. Puckering and blistering of interveinal areas with thickened veins in leaves. Fruit few small and default.


· Eradicate the infected plant

· Application of Furadan followed by 3 to 4 foliar spray of Krishi oil 1 to 2% at weekly intervals

· Weed control in and around the Chili field

· grow resistant varieties like Puri Red, Pusa Jwala , Pusa Sadabahar , Pant C1

Major pest

1. Thrift

Damage: Both adult and nymph of the aphids suck the sap from tender leaves, growing shoots flower buds and fruits. The trips cause upward and downward curling of leaves reduction in leaves size and in severe infestation bronzing of leaves.

Control measures

· eradicate all weeds in the field before planting

· install blue sticky board traps in the field

· spray with confidor 0.03 to 0.05%

carbosulfan 0.2% etc.

2. Aphids

Damage: Both adult and nymph suck the sap from young leaves and shoots. They are also insect vector of mosaic virus diseases

Control measures:

Spraying with Monocrotophos ( 0.1%) dichlorvos( 0.1%)

Spraying with confider (0.3%)can protect the crop for 20 days from efforts

Yellow Pan Traps set up in the field.

Yield: Depending on variety and season the average yield of brinjal varies from 7 to 10 t/ ha.

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