In India, malnutrition is one of the major problem. There was a time when we didn't have enough food to feed our population but today we are in the position, where we have food grains in surplus. Today we are fighting with lack of nutrients is daily diet. The nutrients quantity in our food is degrading day by day. Today our major population is facing the problem of malnutrition, especially small children. What is its solution? The solution is simple we must change our daily diet.
In our daily diet, 80 % is only cereals and pulses. These are not enough to fulfill the nutrient requirement of our body. We should include diversity in our daily diet. We must add vegetables, milk, eggs, fruits or more nutrient source in our daily diet. The diversity in food only comes when our farm will be diverse. Our plate should match our farm. To solve this problem, the concept of permaculture emerges.
Permaculture is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting, hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry waste management, animal system, aquaculture, appropriate technology, and economics and community development.
The word Permaculture was coined by Bill Mallison in 1978. The word Permaculture is a combination of permanent agriculture and permanent culture. It is a design science where we mimic nature's diversity, stability and resilience of the ecosystem. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. The philosophy behind permaculture is one working with rather than against nature. We follow all natures' rules here.
Permaculture Ethics:
· Earth Care
· People care
· Fair share
· Transition
· Future care
Permaculture principles:
· Observe and Interact
· Catch and store energy
· Value diversity
· Obtain a yield
· Apply self-regulation and feedback
· Use and Value renewable
· Produce no waste
· Design from pattern to details
· Integrate don’t segregate
· Use the small and slow solution
· Use and Value diversity
· Use edges and value the marginal
· Creatively use and respond to change.